Nadya A. Calderon Romero
Nadya Calderon Romero
Ph.D. Student
I am a Colombian software engineer turning to visual data science. I am currently a Visual Analytics PhD student at the School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT), Simon Fraser University. I am interested in the intersection between Design Research, Information Visualization and Visual Analysis to inform the design of interactive visual analytics interfaces to support decision-making. I develop and study discovery tools for analysis in areas such as civic technology, citizen engagement, and social media analysis for social sciences inquiry and policy decision making.
Between 2011-2013 I worked as Research assistant for the VA for Emergency Management project . We investigate the use of social media for emergency response and recovery facilitated by visual displays of streaming data.
During the summer 2014 I was a fellow for the Data Science for Social Good Fellowship, University of Chicago, training in data science methods to support analytical needs from non-profits and government initiatives in the city of Chicago.
I am currently working as researcher-analyst for a Big Data Innovation Project with the World Bank, exploring twitter data to understand how Brazilians feel about their government, and how social movements are present in social media conversations.
I have a MSC and B.Sc degrees in Systems and Computing Engineering from Universidad de los Andes. Before coming to SIAT I worked as junior faculty member for the Department of Computing Engineering at the same university, lecturing undergraduate java programming courses and conducting research on computer programming education aligned with the Colombian IT and economic demands.
Academic Publications
Calderon, N.A.; Fisher, B.; Hemsley, J.; Ceskavich, B.; Jansen, G.; Marciano, R.; Lemieux, V.L., Mixed-initiative social media analytics at the World Bank: Observations of citizen sentiment in Twitter data to explore "trust" of political actors and state institutions and its relationship to social protest. Big Data (Big Data), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, vol., no., pp.1678-1687, Oct. 29 2015-Nov. 1 2015
Calderon, N., Arias-Hernández, R., & Fisher, B. (2014). Studying Animation for Real-Time Visual Analytics: A Design Study of Social Media Analytics in Emergency Management. In Proceedings of the 47th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA.
Calderon, N., Riecke, B. E., & Fisher, B. (2012). Augmenting Visual Representation of Affectively Charged Information using Sound Graphs. In Poster Abstracts of IEEE VisWeek 2012. Seattle, USA
Calderon, N, Hauser, S., Bartram, L. (2012) Addressing Situational Awareness Analytical Systems: an Information Visualization Approach. In Poster abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management 2012. Vancouver, Canada. Proceedings retrieved from
Villalobos J., Calderon N.A, Jimenez C. (2009) Developing Programming Skills by Using Interactive Learning Objects. In Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITICSE), Paris, France.
Villalobos J., Calderon N.A, Jimenez C. (2009) Cupi2 Community: Promotin a Networking Culture that Supports the Teaching of Computer Programming. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), Lisbon, Portugal.