VA for Personalized Medicine
This research program provides visual analytics support for the work of the UBC Life Sciences Institute, not-for-profic Personalized Medicine Initiative, and Molecular You Inc. We will support the design and evaluation of visual analysis tools for exploration, monitoring and communication of complex, large scale, diverse data from the Molecular You initiative to consumers.
Using a combination of NSERC Engage, MITACS, and MYco funding we will study how health care consumers and caregivers can understand complex health data, propose interventions, and assess the results through the use of interactive visualization environments. Considering the initiative is a rather new endeavor, this project represents both a challenge and a unique opportunity for implementing and evaluating human centered design methods. Our initial pilot project will:
Assess Molecular You data dimensions, constraints, and characteristics.
Design and Develop a Personalized Health Data Exploration Tool for Molecular You clients.
Identify key research challenges for visual analytics in personalized health management.
Evaluation will then be done using our Pair Analysis method, combining a visual analytics and a user/ subject matter expert on an analytic task. These sessions are captured on video and analyzed based on Joint Activity Theory. The findings are then used to propose a design and software engineering approach to development of the MYCo interface.